Woven Tangles Part 1

Today Art Clubbers and I had the first part of the Woven tangles series. As most of my series, we started very slow with a practice session covering concepts of Warp and Weft, building a little model and practicing tangles Nubia (Oswaldo Burbano Sandoval) and Malacca (Sandra Strait).

We started by constructing a real hands-on model using woven ribbons to really understand the nature of woven patterns.

Next, we explore the tangle Malacca:

Based on our little model, we got a great understanding of the shading potential using a directional light:

Then we explore the gorgeous tangle Nubia and how to shade it:

What a GREAT SESSION! In the next part of the series, we'll explore the tangle Plezo (Eni Oken), which is a much more complex tangle.

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