Pypz Lesson

Last Tuesday we had yet another super intense class — or should I start calling them workshops? During 3 hours we explored the tangle Pypz (which I originally deconstructed a while ago) and the intricacies of drawing tubes in isometric cartoony style.

We started by understanding exactly what makes a cylinder look cylindrical in isometric perspective (which is type of drawing used mostly in diagrams and is not realistically accurate).

We also analyzed how to create metallic shading on a tube or pipe, a super neat effect:

We also explored how to add details to the tubes, including openings and hatching.

After several sheets of practice, including excruciating detail on how to create a wacky, cartoony look…

We started our project, adding layers and layers of Pypz.

We also discussed creating a "galaxy of stars” background using a white gel pen.

And finally we separated into breakout rooms to work on our project and fraternize with friends. Time flew by! Here you can see all the work in progress of some of the students:

As usual, all my online live classes are available for all Art Clubbers. Video recordings are made available for those who cannot participate. Learn more here

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