Molly's Meditation and Moquette

This picture was made following Molly Hollibaugh's Voice Guided meditation #1 (find it here). My first experience with Molly's voice guided meditation was back in 2016 when I went to CZT Seminar. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it and even more surprised at how everyone's interpretation of the same directions turned out so different.

Here you can see the line-art before shading:

The tangles used are Hollibaugh, Diva Dance, Mooka, Scena and Knightsbridge (Zentangle). You might be wondering about that dark center inside the Diva Dance — that is a tangle enhancer by Sandra Strait (aka “Molossus”) called Moquette, which involves adding super ultra dark hatching to the background, and then a lighter hatching on the actual pattern. The whole thing creates incredible contrast and pushes the pattern back, in comparison with the rest.

Although I did it with Mooka, it can be done with any type of tangle that has well defined shapes versus a background. Super interesting effect!

Here is a close-up for you to inspect:

Super fun!

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