Fan Kensington Part 1 Class

Last week I had a black and white session with the Art Clubbers, we explored a fan string and use the tangles Kensington (Anoeska Waardenburg), Kercott (Yuru Chen), Chartz and Patena (both Zentangle).

This was a very long tile to tangle, so I divided it into two parts we did only the line-art. We'll do the shading at a different time.

After adding Kensington, we used an enhancer that I'm calling “Squarify”, that is, convert an irregular or rounded shape into a square by using Echolines.

We also add a lot of “treasure”, that is embellishments, and a pair of double Mookas.

Here's the step-out for double Mooka. This looks simple, but it's a bit tricky.

After that, we added Patena and Chartz, both tangles by Zentangle.

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