Faux Viking Knots

For several months now I’ve been intrigued by knots of every kind. It started with W2 and Celtic Knots and now has morphed into something else. These are inspired and treated like Viking knots, the beautiful and heavily ornate knotted designs on Viking carved doors.

Except, these aren’t real knots, they are a Viking inspired versions of the tangles Jaysix (Eni Oken) and Yah (Emily Classon). It’s the terminals and the decoration and the shading that make them feel Viking style.

Here’s the first one:

And here’s a before and after shading of the same one:

Here’s the second one, which also includes the tangle Nik (by the late and talented Bunny Wright):

Here’s a before and after shading of that one:

This is SUCH a fun technique, and most definitely the topic of a future Art Club class! If you would like to be notified when a class is available, sign up for my newsletter here.

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