Zentangle MatchMaking: Verve and Meer Again

Last Thursday Art Clubbers and I had yet another session of Zentangle MatchMaking, a series which addresses issues of how to select and combine tangles with strings during classic Zentangle sessions and most importantly, how to learn about Zentangle composition.

In the previous Thursday we had started a project working with Meer, Fife (Zentangle) and Verve (JJ LaBarbera). This this session, we redid the project with a new understanding of how to improve your work by working in a series.

We continued to use a composite of a Z string and a square medallion and covered a technique on how to determine what we need to work with from the previous picture.

We discussed a number of different issues such as overlap, contrast, preliminary shading, and more.

Here is my piece work in progress:

You can see here how the piece is developing…

This is the final piece after all shading and treatment:

Zentangle MatchMaking is an exclusive series which is only available through my Art Club.

Feel free to pin or share these images.

Remember that Copyright 2023 Eni Oken