Paradisum Bouquet

The muse continues to peruse in the bouquet direction. This tile was completed over the weekend and includes a tangleation of Paradisum tangle (Oswaldo Burbano Sandoval). I like how they remind me of Zucchini blossoms, a dish I love but haven't had in a long time.

Here's the raffle card with the final picture, which includes a "Bouquet String”. This card is already in the Art Raffle app.

Aside from Paradisum, also Rambles, Cadent, Diva Dance, Rixty3D (a tangleation of Rixty), Zinger and Bronx Spears (a tangleation of Bronx Cheer) and Zinger, all tangles by Zentangle.

Here are some variations of the Bouquet String. You can see that you can also add a small vase - or not.

Here's the before and after shading:

And here's another view for you:

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