Overlapping Tangles Part 1

Last Friday Art Clubbers and I had the first part of the series Overlapping Tangles class. This is based on the ebook Overlapping Zentangle® that I created a few years ago and which comes included when you get the video series.

Of course you don't always have to add overlap to your work — it's a choice — but if you do, you can promote intricacy, depth and more.

We did a series of exercises using paper, scissors and collage, and even managed to get a good solid amount of shading information in the class.

We also discussed some specific guidelines of how to create good overlap, such as being careful with tangent lines and weak “overhang”.

I think my favorite part of the class was when we finished the result of our collage with shading, and it looks so 3D, so full of possibilities!

This is just the first part of the series, in Part 2 we will start applying what we learned to drawing.

Feel free to pin or share these pictures if you like.

2021Eni Okenoverlap, layering