Entangled Animals 1

The last couple of days I've been obsessed with “Zoomorphic”, a term that means having animal form, and which I became familiar by looking at the beautiful Celtic illumination where animals (reptiles, fish, mammals and birds) are morphed and combined with knots. This is not exactly Zoomorphics, but it mixes entangled animals with Zentangle, forming a complex web of ribbons.

Here's the first one I made:

I love the way the animals appear based on the string, without any rhyme or reason. Obviously this is not what the Celts intended, but I love the intuitive process of it.

In this second one, I added some tangles, Nipa (Zentangle) and Crest (Suzanne Davis). Here’s a before and after so you can see what I mean.

And a close-up of the second one for you to inspect.

Really enjoying this! Feel free to pin or share these images if you like.