Ultragrid for Square Medallions

The amazing Jenny Perruzzi (Acadia Laser Creations) has done it again! Another wonderful stencil, this time perfect for creating dotted grids for my latest lesson on Square Medallions. The grid can be used to mark 2, 3.5, 4, 6, 8, 11.5 and 12 inch papers. What's interesting is that it only covers a QUARTER of the paper at a time, making it smaller and portable. 

To use the Ultragrid stencil, you align the paper you want with the grooves of the corresponding size. Here you can see how I've aligned one corner of a 4x4 inch paper with the right size on the template. This helps me to mark the center dot, very important when creating square medallions on graph paper.

What I particularly liked about it is that it made the job of marking the dots a little less tedious, because you mark only one quadrant at a time. 

You can find the Ultragrid here at Jenny's shop:


These Square Medallions requires a LOT of patience, but the results were pretty neat and so incredibly relaxing. I got so many requests for a lesson that I bumped it up and a lesson is available at the Shop:


Here are some of the beautiful medallions my students have created so far with this lesson.
You can view the Student Gallery here.