"Crewelwork" ZIA on Gray Tile

Zentangle Inspired Art on gray tile | enioken.com
Zentangle Inspired Art on gray tile | enioken.com

This drawing was made using ink (brown, black and red), shaded with markers and colored with colored pencils, over a 4x4 gray artist tile. The final touch was given with white gel pen. It reminds me a little of Crewelwork embroidery, doesn't it? Tangles used were Abundies, Aruka and Printemps.

Here you see the original line art over the gray tile, and the first pass of shading using gray markers and hatched ink (very faint and subtle).

Learn Zentangle® at enioken.com

Learn Zentangle® at enioken.com

Here is the final artwork:

Learn Zentangle® at enioken.com

Learn Zentangle® at enioken.com


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