Shading Yew-Dee Ebook
If you just started to learn how to shade doodles and Zentangle® and need some guidance, this tutorial is for you: learn how to make Yew-Dee tangle look incredibly three-dimensional.
Shading Instructions & Reference Guide
By Eni Oken
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The instruction ebook has 31 pages showing THE EXACT LOCATION OF EACH SHADING STEP needed to make Yew-Dee look incredibly three-dimensional.
Intermediate Level: 64 illustrations
Yew Dee. I knew how to draw the line work but had no idea how to do the shading. I LOVE The yew Dee ebook!!! It has so much detail on exactly what I need to understand for different levels of light source reflection. It will take me lots of practice to master this. I am so excited to take shading to another level.
Via Facebook
Shading really makes a drawing pop out
Learn how to shade Zentangle® with Eni Oken •
All my shading guides show clearly marked steps enhanced in red, so you learn exactly how to shade a pattern
Learn how to shade Zentangle® with Eni Oken •
According to (a wonderful library!!!), this tangle was named by Ohio CZT® Peg Farmer. Find a step-out instruction for the line art here.
This ebook is not a video.
Look at what a difference shading can make on a drawing!
Learn how to shade Zentangle® with Eni Oken •