Organicize Zentangle Part 1

Today Art Clubbers and I had the first part of the series “Organicize Zentangle”. Organicize is a made up word I came up with to describe various Art Enhancers that can help tangles look like they are organic or being influenced by the forces of nature.

We started easy and used this configuration: an S-Shape String, tangles Flux, Mooka, and Verdigogh, and also tangle Eofer (Iris Heidt).

After a brief explanation of the several enhancers we were going to use, we jumped right into drawing:

We also covered shading in several layers, going from general to specific:

Here's the final picture of the piece I developed today:

And here are two other pictures that I developed in preparation for the class, using exactly the same tangles and string:

Here are the pictures of some of the participants:

Feel free to pin or share these pictures if you like.