Opus Challenge

Shading 3DTangle with Eni Oken • enioken.com

Shading 3DTangle with Eni Oken • enioken.com

Opus is a super swirly and pretty tangle pattern developed by Maria Thomas of Zentangle, Inc. When I first encountered the tangle I thought it was very versatile, however, it was a little flat and lacked a bit of 3D aspect. I worked a bit to develop a variation that would be more "3D shading friendly", using some echo-lines:

Shading 3DTangle with Eni Oken • enioken.com

Shading 3DTangle with Eni Oken • enioken.com

This is the lineart for the tile:



Here is the final tile, it measures 5x5 inches:

Shading 3DTangle with Eni Oken • enioken.com

Shading 3DTangle with Eni Oken • enioken.com

This time I was super good and remembered to take pictures while shading. I decided to create a little gift for the lovely people who continue to support my work:

Shading 3DTangle with Eni Oken • enioken.com

Shading 3DTangle with Eni Oken • enioken.com

Bonus Gift! 3DTangle Shading Opus A Shading Progression Study

If you have purchased my latest ebook 3DTangle Shading Book #2, then you'll automatically receive this bonus, just a little thank you for your order and support. This is valid only through the mid October when I'll switch around gears, so learn how you can get this bonus.

Shading 3DTangle with Eni Oken • enioken.com

Shading 3DTangle with Eni Oken • enioken.com

Copyright 2015 Eni Oken