Bucky and Friends Class Part 1

Today Art Clubbers and I had Part 1 of the ultra advanced Bucky and Friends Phi tile class. This project includes composite string, composite tangling and high-focus tangles such as Bucky fragment, Ratoon, Wyforwings and Pickpocket (Tomas Padros). Whew!!! We also included Fescu, Opus and Patakón (Oswaldo Burbano Sandoval).

First we developed Wyforwings, which is a mashup tangleation of Wyfore and Drawings (both originally by Zentangle, mashup by Eni Oken).

Then we started the tricky part which includes Ratoon and Amaze (both Zentangle) and Bucky Fragment (a fragment extracted from Zentangle’s Bucky tangle).

After the tricky part of adding Bucky Fragment, we added Patakón:

And then finally Pickpocket ribbon and a frame.

Here is the line-art semi-completed, we’ll do the shading during Part 2!

This is what the Clubbers did!

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Remember that all Copyright is 2023 Eni Oken