Updated Art Raffle Cards 1.31

A new update to our free app Art Raffle is now available! We now have 480 cards.

In this update we have two tangles by Zentangle founders which were launched during the last ZenAgain: Mysealiam and Rambles. Also by Zentangle the tangles Rain and Chainging.

Additionally I included Yah (Emily Classon), Icantoo (Hanny Nura) and Brella (the late and much missed Bunny Wright).

Two new enhancers are included: watercolor shading and "serrated edge”, a fun enhancer (read more about it here).

These new cards are available for all versions of the Art Raffle in iOS and Mac.

Android users: unfortunately due to excessive technical difficulties, that platform is no longer updated.

I hope you enjoy this update! To learn more about Art Raffle, visit this page. This is a FREE app for Mac, ipad, iphone.

This is version 1.31 of the Art Raffle app!