Updated Art Raffle 1.39, Varanda and Skorpio

After a looooong time, I finally updated our free app Art Raffle with new cards, including: Amanita and Appearance, Bramble and Boojum (all Sandra Strait), Imaritas (Debbie New), Bucky (3 different versions), Nayu (Emiko Kaneko), two versions of Sunbelt and WhattheWell (Jody Genovese), Oasis (Tomas Padros). Also included some enhancers such as Tucker (Zentangle) and Shaving Tangles (Margaret Bremner), some HQ tangles such as Raddox, Rumpus and Foundabout. Additionally two new tangles of my own: Skorpio and Varanda. Whew!

Here are the step-outs of my two new tangles:

This brings the total of cards up to 620.
If you’re wondering about version 1.38 - don’t worry: we had to skip that one due to a minor bug that needed fixing, so you have not missed anything.

These new cards are available for all versions of the Art Raffle in iOS and Mac.

Android users: unfortunately due to excessive technical difficulties, that platform is no longer updated.

I hope you enjoy this update! To learn more about Art Raffle, visit this page. This is a FREE app for Mac, ipad, iphone.

This is version 1.39 of the Art Raffle app!