Updated Art Raffle 1.28

A new update to our free app Art Raffle is now available! This update does not include new cards - I’ve been too busy with many events - but it does have an AWESOME and long awaited new functionality.

I have long wanted to add the ability to filter the cards by Major Category - Tangle, Enhancer, Fragment, String - but wasn't quite sure how to fit that into the clean interface of the app without making it more cluttered. Thanks to Matthew Weier O’Phinney, who gave us a really cool idea of using a LONG press, now you can do this. Here you can watch a short video on how it works:

The idea is that you can do some filtering by choosing one of four categories, but still letting the randomizer make the selection for you. The LONG press — when you press down and hold for a couple of seconds — activate the category menu.

This feature is only available for the Mac and iOS versions, not Android.

I hope you enjoy this update! To learn more about Art Raffle, visit this page. This is a FREE app for Mac, ipad, iphone and android.

This is version 1.28 of the Art Raffle app!