Kwazeela tangle pattern
Today I was playing with my tangle index, and especially feeling the lack of what I call Leaf-type patterns. A Leaf-type is a single element that -- looks like a leaf, obviously -- but more than that, it can build on top of other Leaf-types to form bouquets or ferns. Here is my index page with a few examples:
Keep in mind that this is a classification that I came up with on my own simply out of necessity. I noticed that Leaf-types tend to start at a pinched or flat base, which is very useful when building ferns or frond configurations. I decided to play a little and here are my first sketches:
The double leaf caught my eye, it was fun and different than the usual Leaf configuration. Here's the step-out for you to try it:
Notice how it is constructed with two teardrop shapes, one tall and skinny and another one short and round. It reminded me almost of a mother watching over her son, both connected by an aura. I simply LOVE it when bunched up as you see in this monotangle:
The contour hatching really makes it more 3-dimensional! I hope you enjoy Kwazeela and remember to give me a shout-out when using it so I can see how you played with it!
Choosing Tangle Patterns PDF Ebook + Bonus videos
If you are interested in learning more about the classification of Tangle Patterns and how to choose patterns that go together, consider getting this bundle.
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Copyright 2017 Eni Oken