Inside the tent during Burning Man
From the thousands of millions of souls available to reincarnate, WE were the chosen ones to be here at this moment in time. Each and everyone of us represents a group of souls, a group of individuals with whom we have immense compatibility of ideals and interests.
We are the CHOSEN ones, the ambassadors, the representatives selected to come to this ‘conference’ on Earth. We are here at this massive convention, a gathering with the objective of experimenting new things, new ideas, new expression. We are on the forefront of new thought and new creation.
Why do we go to a convention, a cruise or on any other trip? To experiment new things, to reconnect with old friends and acquaintances, to exchange ideas, to have fun, to get out of our normal environment and find new possibilities. And upon returning, we come back infused with new vigor which benefits the entire group, our entire family.
So HOW DARE we waste this opportunity by not living the fullest and most interesting life we can? How dare we complain about a little bit of discomfort from temporary bad housing or bad roommates? But most important of all, HOW DARE we waste this fabulous trip by not acting, by not participating? It’s like going to Burning Man and sitting all day inside the tent… It’s like going to Europe for the summer and sitting inside the hotel room. Who cares if your feet hurt from walking 10 miles a day, or the food isn’t exactly what you like. The point is to enjoy, the experiment new things using all of the senses.
We are here for a very short time. A hundred years is just a drop of time, just a weekend in the grand scheme of things. So lets enjoy it!