YOJ 2005 Week 20

The theme for this week is Something New for 2005, however, in light of recent tragic events, I decided to work on last week's theme, creating a bracelet In Memory of Tsunami Victims.

The bangle is constructed with rather large rough aquamarine nuggets, surrounded by thick 18 ga coiled wire swirls. It measures 3/4" wide. And of course, the marine critters crawled all over it: a sea-horse, an appropriate "Angel fish" and a tiny, tiny starfish.

This item has been sold.
A donation was made to the South East Asian Tsunami Relief Emergency Appeal though the American Jewish World Service organization.

While I was making this piece I was a bit concerned such a sad story be woven within a piece of jewelry -- which is essentially a beautiful thing, supposedly worn to make a person happy -- but this is what makes it even more meaningful to me.

We are living conflicting times -- natural and man-made disasters all around us -- while at the same time we try to lead happy and productive lives. We shouldn't shield ourselves from the sadness, instead, let it be an integral part of our lives, so that we DO NOT FORGET and appreciate MORE what we have.

2005, ArchiveEni Oken