I had to pull out a special pencil this time

Shading complex Zentangle is possible * enioken.com

I didn't think I would ever use the 6B pencil again.

Shading complex Zentangle is possible * enioken.com

But I did! This picture turned out so complex and full of overlap -- just look at the line-art -- I figured it would I really needed to add some solid contrasting shadow over the background and on the center gem. 

Shading complex Zentangle is possible * enioken.com

I cross-hatched, I use the 2B pencil, and yet it wasn't enough. At the very end I took out the 6B, graininess and all, and separated that background from the main focus, and made the top of that gem super dark. 

Shading complex Zentangle is possible * enioken.com

I really LOVE how the entire left side of the tile is so intricate. It has four tangles: Ixorus (Zentangle), Springkle (Zentangle), Caviar (Lori Howe) and Tri-bee (Beate Winkler). The background has tiny Connector (Jane Monk). 

Shading complex Zentangle is possible * enioken.com

How can only 4 tangles look so complex? As an artist I've used it forever and yet, the power of Overlap never ceases to amaze me.  With overlap and layering, all things look extraordinarily more complex than what they are. 

Shading complex Zentangle is possible * enioken.com

Each individual tangle is not that difficult, but when they are laid out just so in layers, the overall effect causes an illusion, it makes things look MUCH more complex. 

Just as one small example, if you have my ebook on Overlapping Zentangle, then turn to page 11, you'll see how I used Springkle all bunched up to create super complexity below the gem. Bunching up is just one thing you can do to promote overlap! 
 If you don't have the ebook, then you can get it now here. 


Copyright 2017 Eni Oken